Search results

  1. SFbayCane

    Some Ungodly talent.....

    Good stuff. I hung out with Greg Cox for a little bit at the Spring Game last month. He's still... Greg Cox. :very-drunk:
  2. SFbayCane

    Some Ungodly talent.....

    Awesome stuff. Jack looking like Wolverine in that pic. lol
  3. SFbayCane

    Some Ungodly talent.....

    @SWFLHurricane - Do you have the newspaper pic of the defense as well? Jack Fernandez should be in that one.
  4. SFbayCane

    Some Ungodly talent.....

    :roll-canes2: Since most here are too young to get this joke, I'll lay it out. In Brian Bozworth's book, "The Boz. Confessions of a modern anti-hero," he told stories about how crazy the football dorm was at Oklahoma. He told one story where Buster Rhymes got drunk and emptied a...
  5. SFbayCane

    Some Ungodly talent.....

    Myself and several others have searched for film on Freddie Miles and could not come up with any.
  6. SFbayCane

    Some Ungodly talent.....

    I still eagerly await the day I get to meet coach Soldinger. I want to ask him how much it cost him to have the referee hand the Springs - Southridge playoff game to Southridge on one of the worst calls in HS sports history. I was a freshman at Springs when Freddie was a senior.