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  1. Brooklyndee

    Some Ungodly talent.....

    For basketball I'd have to say either Kenny Anderson as a jit or Stephon. But there was some wild boys that if they could've just got off the street **** woulda been beasts. Used to know this lil jit that came up with Sebastian was like 6'2 called him flo. That boy was a savage. He got all the...
  2. Brooklyndee

    Some Ungodly talent.....

    Good question. I'd assume more so actually. Because the game is all about spacing and speed now. Imagine him with a defense that can't key on him because u play in a spread with motion etc. That woulda been wild.
  3. Brooklyndee

    Some Ungodly talent.....

  4. Brooklyndee

    Some Ungodly talent.....

    I'm sure some of that holds true. But it doesn't have anything to do with my point or the conversation. It's not about the greats that I take issue with(who I know several of in different sports and almost all of em agree with me)my point is about the competition they went up against. Sure you...
  5. Brooklyndee

    Some Ungodly talent.....

    That's not at all true the worst teams are loaded with the better talent from college. They obviously have their share and I'm not speaking about all college teams or yearly or anything. From playing for multiple years in the league I'd watch on a regular and think we woulda gave these people a...
  6. Brooklyndee

    Some Ungodly talent.....

    Personally I've always disagreed on that one. 100% certain college teams could beat certain NFL teams. Now if you're talking the best in college opposed to the best in the NFL that's a blowout loss for college every single time. But put the best in college on their best day against the worst or...
  7. Brooklyndee

    Some Ungodly talent.....

    Exactly. Beyond the differences in players ALL games were ALOT more physical. Like **** butkus in this climate opposed to Aaron Donald in that one...
  8. Brooklyndee

    Some Ungodly talent.....

    Frank and Troy I definitely couldn't argue. From everything I heard about Freddy in those days boy must've been crazy. I'd probably add Travis Henry only because of my own personal experience. I'm also real curious what Sean would've turned into had he stayed at rb. But definitely can't argue...
  9. Brooklyndee

    Some Ungodly talent.....

    I talked with Sarge about this before cuz his closest comparison was Frank to Freddy. My question has always been your old heads speak forever about these dudes from when the competition level was nowhere near sufficient. You would have one person that was athletically Head and shoulders above...
  10. Brooklyndee

    Some Ungodly talent.....

    Sarge is one of my favorite humans on planet Earth. Bar none hands down