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  1. Kansas Cane

    PODCAST: Return of the Portal ft. D$

    LB play may be much improved by default with expert coaching. Can’t believe we’ve gone from Mandy and Pakte to Steele and Strong. Just the sound of names is infinitely more bada$s. Lol.
  2. Kansas Cane

    PODCAST: Return of the Portal ft. D$

    Comparison, I give Ladson a 6 as a “could contribute” type value. Messidor as a 9 is “could be best player on that side of ball” value.
  3. Kansas Cane

    PODCAST: Return of the Portal ft. D$

    D$…..would the WR target be more, just as, or slightly less impactful than Messidor? If we ranked portal guys 1-10….and Messidor is a 9….sounds like the WR could be a 9, too. LFG
  4. Kansas Cane

    PODCAST: Return of the Portal ft. D$

    Seems like he’s in a way better place with Mario at helm. Maybe he just didn’t have the right team around him???