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  1. jkdood

    Canes bs Stepson - 6pm - ACCNX

    Clean-up in Aisle 4, err, I mean Gutter. Sigh.
  2. jkdood

    Canes bs Stepson - 6pm - ACCNX

    Sunday was bad, but this is unwatchable. Agree we better wake up Friday.
  3. jkdood

    Canes bs Stepson - 6pm - ACCNX

    at last! stetson playing like stetson (instead of Miami playing like stetson)... hope its not too late
  4. jkdood

    Canes bs Stepson - 6pm - ACCNX

    Yeah, but keep that info under your hat.
  5. jkdood

    Canes bs Stepson - 6pm - ACCNX

    really perplexed... could it be overconfidence? we r the better team, better hitting / better pitching, but again after a high-flying ranking, we sure dont look it. Puzzling. (1 for 12 tonight with men on base... and this aint Koufax)
  6. jkdood

    Canes bs Stepson - 6pm - ACCNX

    I betcha this announcer wears a stetson hat to bed, and maybe in the shower too. Geesh.