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  1. rsa coral gables

    Mesidor’s impact

  2. rsa coral gables

    Mesidor’s impact

    your GIF placement game needs work. i now understand the first one and it makes sense. like it. the second one? not so much. /stop being so cantankerous
  3. rsa coral gables

    Mesidor’s impact

    not sure everyone does, but let's assume so. your brain doesn't seem to be working well if you don't understand the specific reference to the cited areas of the brain. /carry on
  4. rsa coral gables

    Mesidor’s impact

    this statement by @DMoney lingered in my amygdala and hippocampus for most of the off-season. he was right!
  5. rsa coral gables

    Mesidor’s impact

    i don't want to nitpik a very young kid's interview [BUT i WILL, HA!] but this small segment of Taylor's interview [@2:00] bothered me a bit. when asked about his goals, there were many answers he could have given but he chose "put my name out there more than what it is now". que? these...
  6. rsa coral gables

    Mesidor’s impact

  7. rsa coral gables

    Mesidor’s impact

    i this kid is a somewhat of a diva and needs to be kicked in the ballz a bit or maybe a lot depending on his level of divaness. he said something during an interview that made me pause, i'll find it and post it. plus last year's rumbling about him transferring when he just got here, no bueno.
  8. rsa coral gables

    Mesidor’s impact

    he did say that, but regrettably that isn't the case right now in many positions on D.
  9. rsa coral gables

    Mesidor’s impact

    when does he arrive so I can have a La Llave cuban coffee colada waiting for him?