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  1. colperm

    Amarius Mims Elite 2021 OT

    I’d equate it with going on a bachelor party weekend with the fellas, only to have your girl having a meltdown back home. You’ve got her, her friends, her mom, your parents, your sibling all blowing up your phone trying to find out what you did to set her off That could be a poor analogy but...
  2. colperm

    Amarius Mims Elite 2021 OT

    I’m sure Mims is enjoying Tallahassee’s version of the red carpet treatment. However, I can’t imagine he was thrilled with the info their reporters were throwing around, regardless of whether or not it was based on actual facts
  3. colperm

    Amarius Mims Elite 2021 OT

    There’s only been one constant since this saga began early this week. It’s that the FSU mods/reporters are all over the place, contradicting themselves and one another. There’s no reason to get bent out of shape on what they are reporting, just chill and let this thing play out
  4. colperm

    Amarius Mims Elite 2021 OT

    This is actually hilarious. I've done a complete 180 on Newberg just in the last hour
  5. colperm

    Amarius Mims Elite 2021 OT

    Future Newberg update: "I texted Mims just after lunch, the bubbles popped up and went away. Hopefully that means he's on campus and enjoying himself"
  6. colperm

    Amarius Mims Elite 2021 OT

    This guy is FSU's version of the lochness monster
  7. colperm

    Amarius Mims Elite 2021 OT

    It's obvious that things are different now under Mario, with regards to the flow of information. Hopefully that remains a constant and we keep seeing results on the trail. I'm encouraged by the professionalism of the entire operation That being said, I still wish the Ruiz's wouldn't beat...
  8. colperm

    Amarius Mims Elite 2021 OT

    At this point, if his flight passed over Tallahassee on the way to Miami, Newberg would count that as a visit
  9. colperm

    Amarius Mims Elite 2021 OT

    I'm here for it