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  1. Rellyrell

    Track and field team rankings

    I agree; b/c at the end of the day, if our “general” top 10 guys played in today’s landscape of CFB, their #’s would be off the charts. They played in eras where the focus was more on running the ball, controlling the clock, & defenses were allowed certain leeways. Could u imagine Wayne, Moss...
  2. Rellyrell

    Track and field team rankings

    @SWFLHurricane We saw Rambo & Harley have remarkable seasons & career achievements, respectively, at The U. Would u have either of them in ur top 10 WRs of all time to wear The U on the side of their helmet?
  3. Rellyrell

    Track and field team rankings

    Let me clarify; for guys like us, we know the greats…but if u hear from the newer, more casual fan of T&F, Michael J is hardly ever mentioned, & C Lewis is even less mentioned as time goes on…it’s all Usain Bolt. There’s absolutely nothing to take away from Bolt, but as u highlighted things have...
  4. Rellyrell

    Track and field team rankings

    Also, I’ll be glad when we have this type of Miami speed again. Look at the names on here: Copeland, Burns, Moss, McGee, Jones, Blades brothers, Benjamin, DVD, Leggett… Man, this is what I’m used to. I’m used to our football players being equally gifted on the track & it showed on Saturday...
  5. Rellyrell

    Track and field team rankings

    In fairness to @SWFLHurricane, he could be talking about records he set between 89-92. Per our archives, most of the records set were after Horace left. He was a state legend in T&F prior to coming to Miami. Honestly, sometimes I hate records broken b/c it diminishes what the predecessors have...