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  1. PIPO

    4* DE TaMere Robinson visiting this weekend

    If true to form for Manny, he will do ok this year and possibly, but not likely next year before the spiral downward really starts
  2. PIPO

    4* DE TaMere Robinson visiting this weekend

    Sorry for my ignorance but is Manny also coaching LBs at Pedo State or is he only DC?
  3. PIPO

    4* DE TaMere Robinson visiting this weekend

    View of LCE right now
  4. PIPO

    4* DE TaMere Robinson visiting this weekend

    Livvetieth Citytthhh - I will locktthhthhieth thismth recruitment on his visithetthh becausethhh The Pennsylvania Statttetthh Univeraitiiethhhhth is an excellent Univeraitiiethhhhth that’s been around for a longhteth time. Thanks - Coach Diaztthz