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  1. Luke Caneswalker

    Saturday Practice 3/26

    I can’t really debate that logic. But I will say… 19 is impressing and 0 is out. New coaching staff so maybe 19 holds on and don’t give up his spot. I like 0 a lot too. Interesting to see how these battles all play out.
  2. Luke Caneswalker

    Saturday Practice 3/26

    I don’t see him starting. But like the great Macho Man Randy Savage said “The cream rises to the top” I’m interested in seeing our 2Deep at WR come September.
  3. Luke Caneswalker

    Saturday Practice 3/26

    From what you saw, how did our LB’s look ?
  4. Luke Caneswalker

    Saturday Practice 3/26

    B b b b But 19 is a POrtAL CAndiDaTE