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  1. rsa coral gables

    CFB Brian Harsin's future in Auburn in question

    FSU wasn’t trying to fire Taggert for cause
  2. rsa coral gables

    CFB Brian Harsin's future in Auburn in question

    frankly, it could take a while. given the amount of money at stake, you want to make sure you have all your ducks lined up so that you dont have to pay a $20MM payout. that is a lot of money to do things in a rush. patience pay meng
  3. rsa coral gables

    CFB Brian Harsin's future in Auburn in question

    unless he is terminated for cause, which i imagine he will be.
  4. rsa coral gables

    CFB Brian Harsin's future in Auburn in question

    are they cutting and pasting from the article announcing the firing of Brian Flores?