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  1. canefanforlife1

    Parachute-in Alonzo Highsmith as a Consultant to Help Mario Land Assistants

    2 months on a 10 year contract is absolutely a short period of time. If we’re gonna freak out every 2 months here than this is going to be an extremely long 10 years. Btw - the government couldn’t pay me enough money to work for them. I’ve got a JD and don’t work in academia so take with that...
  2. canefanforlife1

    Parachute-in Alonzo Highsmith as a Consultant to Help Mario Land Assistants

    T The point is, it’s been 2 months (no matter how you try and put it, it’s a small amount of time) and people are freaking out. Let the man make his hires and if it doesn’t translate to results on the field then freak out all you please.
  3. canefanforlife1

    Parachute-in Alonzo Highsmith as a Consultant to Help Mario Land Assistants

    It’s been 2 months. 2 months. People need to relax and let Mario run this how he wants.