Search results

  1. ASUCane

    Parachute-in Alonzo Highsmith as a Consultant to Help Mario Land Assistants

    Tell that to whoever made the emojipasta generator I used:
  2. ASUCane

    Parachute-in Alonzo Highsmith as a Consultant to Help Mario Land Assistants

    Face the facts: 📜 after 🍆 much 💵 ballyhoo, it is now quite 🅰 obvious Mario is struggling 😫 to 💦 land 🛬 assistants. Whether 📊 you 💄👏 call 📞😎 what’s 😅 happening 👀 “being ❌ thorough”, “analysis paralysis” or “perfect is 💦 the 👏💰 enemy of 🗜👨 the 💞⏰ good”, the 🙏👏 net-net 📲🏀 of 💦💦 it ✔💦 is 🍵🙀 things...