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  1. No_Fly_Zone

    Coaching Miami’s 2022 football staff

    Initial rumor probably was a troll. This guy revisiting it weeks later is likely just stupid people doing stupid things because they like seeing their own stupid words on stupid Twitter.
  2. No_Fly_Zone

    Coaching Miami’s 2022 football staff

    That's a lot of words for "I don't know ****."
  3. No_Fly_Zone

    Coaching Miami’s 2022 football staff

    Not to belabor this, but if your definition is "likely to win the Heisman," then who -- other than a Heisman Finalist -- is a likely winner? Also, if you want to laugh (or maybe get angry that apparently the 1% have really taken over), goggle "Heisman Candidate" and read the first hit...
  4. No_Fly_Zone

    Coaching Miami’s 2022 football staff

    There really isn't. I'll walk you through it... Technically, every college football player is a "candidate" for the Heisman trophy, just like every college QB is a candidate for the O'Brien award (at least until they start naming semi-finalists and finalists). So we begin with the logical...
  5. No_Fly_Zone

    Coaching Miami’s 2022 football staff

    The question was whether it was a fair expectation, not whether TVD is a legit talent at QB or whether him having a Heisman-type season is possible. Only a buffoon or the mopiest of mopes or someone who doesn't watch college football at all would argue TVD is not a legitimately talented QB...
  6. No_Fly_Zone

    Coaching Miami’s 2022 football staff

    Is that a fair expectation for a RS So. w/ less than 10 starts and a new OC?
  7. No_Fly_Zone

    Coaching Miami’s 2022 football staff

    50/50. He brought in Likens, Justice, and a couple of off field assistants. On field, he was stuck with Field and Hickson.
  8. No_Fly_Zone

    Coaching Miami’s 2022 football staff

    Just rear up and growl like a brown bear. Dude will drop to the floor, curl up, and start crying. Too much psychological trauma.
  9. No_Fly_Zone

    Coaching Miami’s 2022 football staff

    Except that: (1) it puts the labor of aggregating the information on one person; (2) most of the maudes/mods have enough on our plates herding cats and maintaining a semblance of decorum; and (3) posters would just start their own threads anyway.