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  1. Marcus4989

    Coaching Miami’s 2022 football staff

    Wait Wut? Who? Huh?
  2. Marcus4989

    Coaching Miami’s 2022 football staff

    I don't believe there is a cap to off-field analysts... Napier has what seems to be 50+ analysts on staff at UF
  3. Marcus4989

    Coaching Miami’s 2022 football staff

    Love this graphic! I know we’re waiting confirmation but I imagine DVD goes off-field and Field stays on-field. That gives us 2 additional on-field coaching spots to fill.
  4. Marcus4989

    Coaching Miami’s 2022 football staff

    and in no way should he be one!
  5. Marcus4989

    Coaching Miami’s 2022 football staff

    Would be a dream scenario at this point (as in yes please)
  6. Marcus4989

    Coaching Miami’s 2022 football staff

    I understand why our fanbase concedes T-Rob because the major programs want him... but we gotta stop that ****, we're in the majors now (i.e., Mario, Rad, $$$)
  7. Marcus4989

    Coaching Miami’s 2022 football staff

    Dare I say, we miss the Manny off-seasons...
  8. Marcus4989

    Coaching Miami’s 2022 football staff

    I’m just glad he’s on the staff. He will likely be our second best recruiter after Mario, which is saying something given the priority that Mario has put on recruiting with his staff selection.