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  1. Dwinstitles

    College football needs Miami to be great again.

    @Rellyrell yo the other day I was shocked to see adidas logo on Arizona States jersey, I swear I was like those r nice Im sure they are Nike designs then the player turned I saw adidas. Im like man they got some nice *** uniforms for Adidas who usually does ****** modern jobs on gear.
  2. Dwinstitles

    College football needs Miami to be great again.

    Bama fades into abyss slowly when Saban leaves
  3. Dwinstitles

    College football needs Miami to be great again.

    Hates that ****, I need nike damnit. Adidas did do a good job with Arizona State I thought there **** the other day was nice they looked like DBHS
  4. Dwinstitles

    College football needs Miami to be great again.

    facts winning your conference has to be the ticket in and u get rid of the BS, because then u have a goal a ticket and u cant beat a ticket in it gets rid of opinions
  5. Dwinstitles

    College football needs Miami to be great again.

    He will and I'm never confident but he's capable
  6. Dwinstitles

    College football needs Miami to be great again.

    Saban and Smart lol
  7. Dwinstitles

    College football needs Miami to be great again.

    This is definitely a three peat squad trust me they got that look
  8. Dwinstitles

    College football needs Miami to be great again.

    Someone has to stop them from loading up. Mario has a tough job but if Skinner was a sign then he can weaken their roster. Also Mario is a beast nationally he ain't just a local dog. He's as elite as they come on the trail. If we can't get talent with him we never will. Until Saban dies
  9. Dwinstitles

    College football needs Miami to be great again.

    Not even a surprise lol everyone knew it was UGA vs bama. Who wants to see bama smack these dudes again? Anyway bama smacks anyone this year and next year. U looking at a three peat squad.
  10. Dwinstitles

    College football needs Miami to be great again.

    The only way to weaken UGA and bama is to protect sfla. Balance can't be restored if they take who they want.