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    2023 Frankie Tinilau - OL from Australia - Committed!

    Hope so the Ravens ended up taking Danny in the 4th round, so if he has 1-3 round draft potential we have a real steal.
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    2023 Frankie Tinilau - OL from Australia - Committed!

    Posted this earlier in the thread. Both ex rugby players too
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    2023 Frankie Tinilau - OL from Australia - Committed!

    Yea I'm from Minneapolis so I got to see this dude live he is an animal and surprisingly nimble for his size. I think Frankie said he is 6'6 320 right now so while he may not be this guy's size he is still a huge man.
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    2023 Frankie Tinilau - OL from Australia - Committed!

    Hope he is something like this Australian ex rugby player. This dude is a monster