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  1. Coach Macho

    More edge and te’s drafted then Bama...

    No it's not. 😂 It's like a skinny guy who brags that he's got great abs. Meanwhile Alabama is the guy with slightly less defined abs but he's 6'4" with 21" biceps, a 500lb bench, a 700lb squat and an 8.5" dong. Like congrats on your small victory bud. 👏🏻
  2. Coach Macho

    More edge and te’s drafted then Bama...

    The edge guys who were "developed" by us... STUNK! Jackson, Garvin and Chad Thomas. 👎🏻 (all 3 of whom looked like future first rounders when they got here)
  3. Coach Macho

    More edge and te’s drafted then Bama...

    Right? And 2 of our edge guys were from the portal. They weren't even really Miami products.