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  1. insaneinthecane

    MEGA Bowl Games Mega Thread: Baga vs. Byzantine Baga

    What's up with all these dudes cramping up?
  2. insaneinthecane

    MEGA Bowl Games Mega Thread: Baga vs. Byzantine Baga

    The thirst more than likely comes from Banda's association with Mandy. I think some Canes fans are suffering from Post Traumatic Mandy Syndrome. That lil ***** really ***ed up a bunch of hard core Canes fans. So when they hear anything about Banda, it automatically triggers their PTMS. I suffer...
  3. insaneinthecane

    MEGA Bowl Games Mega Thread: Baga vs. Byzantine Baga

    This Marshall/Louisiana game has been great so far. Louisiana kicker had me rolling with the TO jestture to the Marshall bench after they tried to ice him up before he drilled that chip shot.
  4. insaneinthecane

    MEGA Bowl Games Mega Thread: Baga vs. Byzantine Baga

    Or something like this!