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  1. Caneadian

    MEGA Bowl Games Mega Thread: Baga vs. Byzantine Baga

    Anyone actually believe that Georgia tried in the SEC Championship game? I hope not. This was an effin set up right from that game. I don't even care
  2. Caneadian

    MEGA Bowl Games Mega Thread: Baga vs. Byzantine Baga

    Hahaha, I do believe that is exactly how Manny came into our lives. Hahahaha
  3. Caneadian

    MEGA Bowl Games Mega Thread: Baga vs. Byzantine Baga

    Is it too late to fire Mario and go after Aranda?
  4. Caneadian

    MEGA Bowl Games Mega Thread: Baga vs. Byzantine Baga

    Ole Miss doesn't care about this game. They have SEC speed, they just choose not to use it today
  5. Caneadian

    MEGA Bowl Games Mega Thread: Baga vs. Byzantine Baga

    It's like watching flag football. Everyone is afraid to hit because of targeting. Take the Helmets away and people wont target. Put flags on them. Honestly football as I knew it is dead. And hey that's prob a good thing. CTE is real..... I feel for the Linemen because they contact with...
  6. Caneadian

    MEGA Bowl Games Mega Thread: Baga vs. Byzantine Baga

    Watching this ND melt down brings me joy
  7. Caneadian

    MEGA Bowl Games Mega Thread: Baga vs. Byzantine Baga

    Bama has the best players and vastly superior coaching. That is a tough combo to beat. The fact that they can keep bringing in these O cords and they don't miss a beat..... I would have loved to see Enos run that offence