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  1. Canesfreak

    Coaching Adam Schefter: Joe Brady likely to stay in the NFL

    Looks too much like the dude from Slingblade. Hard pass.
  2. Canesfreak

    Coaching Adam Schefter: Joe Brady likely to stay in the NFL

    No. I thought we would only have to pay if we hired him as HC. But it that is the case, I would agree.
  3. Canesfreak

    Coaching Adam Schefter: Joe Brady likely to stay in the NFL

    Kittley is making between $500k and $700k at TT (not FU $$, as HC only makes $3.4 per year) and regardless of what Herman says, I can’t believe that he wouldn’t rather be an OC at a P5 school than a analyst for the Bears. Make a run at them.
  4. Canesfreak

    Coaching Adam Schefter: Joe Brady likely to stay in the NFL

    Briles, Herman, or Kittley me (pull him from Texas Tech, we have FU money now). Or throw some $$ at Jeff Grimes and pull him out of Baylor. That would be a legit hire.