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  1. J

    Manny to Penn State?

    I believe everything I read on this message board. Without question.
  2. J

    Manny to Penn State?

    Lmfao. “Actions speak louder than words” “I was gonna root for him in his future endeavors up until the point where he was a flaming narcissist in his goodbye to UM.” Your reason for not wishing him well are his literal words. Good stuff.
  3. J

    Manny to Penn State?

    Rich coming for a guy, literally speaking, for Manny Diaz.
  4. J

    Manny to Penn State?

    We all care about ourselves above all else lmfao
  5. J

    Manny to Penn State?

    Whatever. We didn’t handle it great and neither did he. He deeply cared about UM every minute he worked for the school. He just sucked as a head coach.
  6. J

    Manny to Penn State?

    Good for him. Hope he does well.