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  1. Hurracanes

    Manny to Penn State?

    Exactly what I was thinking. **** him. Plus, it’s a pain in the *** to travel to and from Penn State. It is extremely inconvenient.
  2. Hurracanes

    Manny to Penn State?

    You don’t get it, which isn’t surprising since you were defending him quite a bit. Díaz’s family has disrespected this University countless times. Díaz senior sold out the Orange Bowl. Díaz senior moved mountains to get Manny hired. Díaz senior saved Manny’s job after the UVA game. Díaz...
  3. Hurracanes

    Manny to Penn State?

    Manny benefited from a terrible Coastal division his first 3 years. Once the division started implementing more spread and better QB’s his fate was sealed. He is going to struggle in the Big Ten. I give it two years.
  4. Hurracanes

    Manny to Penn State?

    You’re smoking that good ****. He’s done in 2 tops and not because he’s doing “good.”