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  1. PIPO

    “CRYSTOBALS” - Post them Here…….

    BTW - Chloe was the best. Bailed out Jack every time
  2. PIPO

    “CRYSTOBALS” - Post them Here…….

    Nahhh, my bad. I should’ve used a different Gif. Let me try again. How about this one:
  3. PIPO

    “CRYSTOBALS” - Post them Here…….

    Yes, the Wire stuff was first but then the 24 brought in a different larger debate. He knows what he did, lol
  4. PIPO

    “CRYSTOBALS” - Post them Here…….

    @Genghis Cane single handedly derailed the Cyrus Moss thread with talk of the show “24”
  5. PIPO

    “CRYSTOBALS” - Post them Here…….

    Yep! Just got dropped after his official visit to UM to a 4*
  6. PIPO

    “CRYSTOBALS” - Post them Here…….

    Might as well throw that in here:
  7. PIPO

    “CRYSTOBALS” - Post them Here…….

    “Crystobal” for Ladson transfer
  8. PIPO

    “CRYSTOBALS” - Post them Here…….

    Nice from Ivins. Looking forward to the morning!
  9. PIPO

    “CRYSTOBALS” - Post them Here…….

    Whoever TJ is, they will be chatting about it on the Twitter Spaces at 12pm today.
  10. PIPO

    “CRYSTOBALS” - Post them Here…….

    Gaby with the “Crystobal”