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  1. Negro-Wan Kanobi

    “CRYSTOBALS” - Post them Here…….

    I'm sorry, when I saw this post, I immediately had the thought of The Rock's promo in Toronto. 😂😂😂🤷🏿‍♂️
  2. Negro-Wan Kanobi

    “CRYSTOBALS” - Post them Here…….

    Even that staff wouldn't take em. They play serious football up there. And don't want no mfer like him on staff
  3. Negro-Wan Kanobi

    “CRYSTOBALS” - Post them Here…….

    We need to pull a couple of recruits from the Chesapeake area every year. Got some ballers in that area.
  4. Negro-Wan Kanobi

    “CRYSTOBALS” - Post them Here…….

    He's on the limitless pill.