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  1. Zbrod95

    The grand reopening

    So you’re committing on the visit and signing Wednesday? Cool.
  2. Zbrod95

    The grand reopening

    Never say never. TX is a lot closer to FL culturally then Oregon.
  3. Zbrod95

    The grand reopening

    That’s a Lock. He was still think about coming here with Manny as HC.
  4. Zbrod95

    The grand reopening

    No, that’s Ahmad Moten. Anthony’s brother. M’ba basically said something over the weekend with his tweet. Moten might not have a spot though. We’ll see what happens with Lucas. I think that who that rack **** slater was talking about over the weekend.
  5. Zbrod95

    The grand reopening

    You mean when Alabama literally moved the family from Hawai’i to Tuscaloosa? And took his kid brother.
  6. Zbrod95

    The grand reopening

    Samoans like staying near family bro. I would go as far as Eddie O being more likelyz.
  7. Zbrod95

    The grand reopening

    He does but I also think that could be a way to sneak in Seider. We can get wayyyyyyyy better IMO. If it’s off the field fine but at TE coach? Ehhh.
  8. Zbrod95

    The grand reopening

    Yup. I think Likens and Hickson have the highest chances of coming back. Likens has a great, proven background already and Hickson is proving the be one of the best RB coaches in FB.
  9. Zbrod95

    The grand reopening

    I don’t think DVD or T-Rob will be here
  10. Zbrod95

    The grand reopening

    I doubt Field is here. Same with Joe salavea and Jim Mastro. Hickson has a way better chance at returning as RB coach. DVD and T-Rob won’t be here either.
  11. Zbrod95

    The grand reopening

    Agbo would definitely be here. Bogle? Stop it. We don’t need more bogle’s. And T2 aintbhappwning neither. He not taking that type of kid.