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  1. B

    Meanwhile at Mississippi

    If you’re hiring Mario because you’re worried about Lane getting us back on probation, fine. That’s a valid reason. Because getting your **** pushed in twice by Utah doesn’t count as a valid reason
  2. B

    Meanwhile at Mississippi

    Ole Miss isn’t going to the Sugar Bowl like they hoped. They’re going to play a good but nowhere near great team. Lane can win with backup QB’s. It’s Mario who Can’t. Ok so I’m supposed to believe some mediocre team is going to knock off Ole Miss? With the S&C they have yea right
  3. B

    Meanwhile at Mississippi

    Lane’s got the roids. Mario currently doesn’t. That’s why Ole Miss will finish the season in the top 5 and Oregon might finish unranked. You know what. Let’s choose the coach of the team that might finish unranked
  4. B

    Meanwhile at Mississippi

    True. The Lane haters have the nerve to say he won because of Corral. Lane can get any QB he wants. As long as he’s still coaching in college trust me he will always have a great QB.
  5. B

    Meanwhile at Mississippi

    Did you see the makeup of that team, lol. Getting murdered by that team is ridiculous.