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  1. Memnon

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

  2. Memnon

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    AYEEEE!!! Ant Brown just completed a pass, lets go!!!
  3. Memnon

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    It’s very Miamish of them...
  4. Memnon

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    Ordinarily I would think so, but Mario does a lot of stuff that will buy him a ton of leeway with the fans. It’s James Franklin/Jim Harbaugh type territory, he’ll have way more slurpers than any coach has had here in the last two decades, that’s for sure lol
  5. Memnon

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    At this point I’m bout to call the police because this sh*t ain’t right man...
  6. Memnon

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    You sure about that?
  7. Memnon

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    Lmao they clowning Miami for the UNC game in 2020...
  8. Memnon

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    Mario was on the phone with his agent at halftime like: “Look, just put the money in the duffle bag & have the plane ready at the end of the game, erase all my accounts & have my fake passport ready! Cayman Islands here we come!”
  9. Memnon

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    Kyle Whittingham & Morgan Scalley been elbowing Mario in the dome for the last two weeks... This is borderline assault bruh, they gotta leave Mario alone fam.
  10. Memnon

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    Rising ran hella fast outta nowhere lol
  11. Memnon

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    Giving me Rosier 2018 vibes...
  12. Memnon

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    Inherited, Herbert was recruited & signed by Scott Frost before he went to UCF.
  13. Memnon

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    Mario gotta pass the sticks bruh!
  14. Memnon

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    For the record... This game is completely inconsequential to me, I just enjoy stirring it up a little bit lol Here’s the reality, Mario’s a good coach & is a without doubt an upgrade over Manny, but there’s questions... If you’re a staunch Mario supporter/believer the questions are valid, no...
  15. Memnon

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    Doesn’t the HC make the final decision?
  16. Memnon

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    Blocking?!? Uh oh 👀...
  17. Memnon

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    Morgan Scalley is putting his foot up Moorhead’s ***...
  18. Memnon

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    Year 4... (mumbles under breath...)
  19. Memnon

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    Arkansas & TAMU
  20. Memnon

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    I’ll say this though... Mario is about to be a rich rich man, because somebody is about to overpay out of their minds for him & God bless him because the game is get what you can get when you can get it... And he got it.