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  1. Hold My Beer

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    Ain't even got here yet ...
  2. Hold My Beer

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    They must've known it two weeks ago as well. This ain't nothin' but a replay
  3. Hold My Beer

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    Utes right now
  4. Hold My Beer

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    Headed from Mario's neighborhood in Eugene to Vegas ...
  5. Hold My Beer

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    Herbstreit admits he's a Duck homer and got fooled by these no-heart front-runners
  6. Hold My Beer

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    Ducks laying down for the second time in three weeks. Just call it what it is
  7. Hold My Beer

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    Mario's agent right now
  8. Hold My Beer

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    Covey's little *** is fearless. Dumb, but fearless ;)
  9. Hold My Beer

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    Brown is pretty **** clueless for a 5th-year senior QB
  10. Hold My Beer

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

  11. Hold My Beer

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    Oregon was lights out in Columbus without Thibodeaux (and Justin Flowe). They've been mediocre as all get-out the rest of the season. Could easily be 7-5 right now. (Not advocating for or against MC, just pointing how lacksadaisical the Ducks have looked most of this season)
  12. Hold My Beer

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    Herbstreit sounds like he about to cry because Oregon getting its *** kicked. He's making a whole lot of excuses for this second straight beatdown, Probably trying to justify that butt-kicking his Buckeyes took from Oregon two months ago.
  13. Hold My Beer

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    Gotta be tougher kid
  14. Hold My Beer

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    I'm having Malik Rosier flashbacks
  15. Hold My Beer

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    Utah's defense is literally 1,000x more fundamentally sound than ours. It's a phukken clinic
  16. Hold My Beer

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    *Unless they're playing UF or FSU. Then it's all in on the Irish
  17. Hold My Beer

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    Everybody keep yo receipts on the Marcus Freeman predictions. Be interesting to see how those hold up in the next year or two
  18. Hold My Beer

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    Good thing is that by the time The U gets around to naming Mario the new coach in February or March, everybody will have forgotten about this ***-whipping
  19. Hold My Beer

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    "The Ducks had vowed to be much better against Utah than two weeks ago"
  20. Hold My Beer

    Mario vs Utah Round 2

    This some Al Golden **** at this point. Oregon looks like total garbage