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  1. FL Cane

    Oregon Extension on the Table for Mario

    If everything works out, Julio Frenk’s going to have Sadam Hussein level approval ratings from the fan base.
  2. FL Cane

    Oregon Extension on the Table for Mario

    We’re offering him a minimum of $8 million. That’s not gonna be enough from them
  3. FL Cane

    Oregon Extension on the Table for Mario

    Lol there’s no way if Miami offered Mario $10 M that Phil Knight is going for $20 M. Also, contrary to popular belief, he is not as involved in Oregon Athletics as he used to be.
  4. FL Cane

    Oregon Extension on the Table for Mario

    Remember, back when those media guys were younger, we’d routinely beat the dogsh*t out of their teams. We were the bad guys of CFB. They’ll rely on the old narrative if it comforts them in thinking we’ll never be back.
  5. FL Cane

    Oregon Extension on the Table for Mario

    Lol, look at how these guys are twisting the earlier report. They contextualiza it as Mario’s people and OU being in contract negotiations. Not that OU made an offer he hasn’t signed yet. Don’t know if he comes but there’s a lot of wishcasting going on that he’d never consider us.
  6. FL Cane

    Oregon Extension on the Table for Mario

    Looks like Lake was right. IMHO, it’s very telling that Mario hasn’t signed it yet. He’s waiting to hear us out, in my view.