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  1. TheOriginalCane

    Manny Navarro Update 12/2/21

    Ed was mostly around on the weekends, not the weekdays. I love him, but there is a difference between a full-timer and a part-timer, no matter what one's background is.
  2. TheOriginalCane

    Manny Navarro Update 12/2/21

    Same job as he would have had at Miami.
  3. TheOriginalCane

    Manny Navarro Update 12/2/21

    Our new AD? He's a Big Whig...
  4. TheOriginalCane

    Manny Navarro Update 12/2/21

    Except you don't understand that the UM "restaurant" has gotten so big that we need more than one "chef". The days of one guy doing everything INCLUDING the newer/larger areas of NIL, recruiting support, scouting support, and consultants requires that we hire more chefs.
  5. TheOriginalCane

    Manny Navarro Update 12/2/21

    CanesInsight. Whoops, Manny Navarro READING CanesInsight.