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  1. C

    There is no way UM doesn't know "Mario's Answer" by now

    Wow you are so kind. Thank you very much for allowing me to post! Cheer up, though. We may get rid of Manny. He hasn't been retained yet.
  2. C

    There is no way UM doesn't know "Mario's Answer" by now

    You’re assuming an awful lot here. Not sure how you’ve deduced that I spend every day worrying lmao. On the other hand, I apologize if I dampered your optimism by pointing out that we may in fact keep the coach we haven’t fired yet…
  3. C

    There is no way UM doesn't know "Mario's Answer" by now

    Because we haven’t fired him. And I don’t believe the reports that the BOT/President are running cover for Mario. I instead believe the reports that we may keep Manny if we can’t land a big fish. Cause that’s the Miami move.
  4. C

    There is no way UM doesn't know "Mario's Answer" by now

    I don’t think the two are necessarily connected. I would presume that there are plenty of AD’s that have little power over the football program and instead focus on other sports/fundraising/negotiating contracts/hiring+firing/etc., but do little in the way of setting the day-to-day football...
  5. C

    There is no way UM doesn't know "Mario's Answer" by now

    Bro you clearly haven't been paying attention for the last 20 years. Miami also moves in silence and comes out on top. You know we got this.
  6. C

    There is no way UM doesn't know "Mario's Answer" by now

    you will if you have a commitment from the university that he's not actually your boss
  7. C

    There is no way UM doesn't know "Mario's Answer" by now

    Every single piece of news i’ve seen suggests that Frenk is leaning heavily on the search firm for advice on the AD hire. I doubt Mario, even if a deal is in place, has much say over it. Mario probably just wants a commitment from the university that the next AD will not get in his way and will...
  8. C

    There is no way UM doesn't know "Mario's Answer" by now

    Retaining Manny is probably the nail in the coffin for this program. It’ll send a clear message to recruits and the CFB world: at a time when the big boys are willing to pour in millions upon millions into their football programs, we retained a cheap, D-rated coach. The contrast will be so stark...