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  1. ChinstrapCane

    Anything Other Than Tom Jurich Is Unacceptable

    Sam Jankovich is the GOAT AD in UM history. As a person of Slavic descent, I take great pride in Sam’s accomplishments and am hoping UM hires Jurich.
  2. ChinstrapCane

    Anything Other Than Tom Jurich Is Unacceptable

    Other than being a cuckold, what was diverse about Blake James, Kirby Hocutt, Shawn Eichorst or Paul Dee? I realize you are trying to be funny, but you are ignoring the facts.
  3. ChinstrapCane

    Anything Other Than Tom Jurich Is Unacceptable

    What the **** is this supposed to mean?
  4. ChinstrapCane

    Anything Other Than Tom Jurich Is Unacceptable

    Singing Joe Zagackackackackack to the tune of Billy Joel’s “Moving Out.”