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  1. Atom Atlas

    Coaches salaries - Just the beginning

    Plus he needs Coaches under him.. they need to be paid too...
  2. Atom Atlas

    Coaches salaries - Just the beginning

    His agent won't care... it comes down to market value.... Mario won't command 15 mil, I know that but as it stands now he'll get somewhere between 7 to 9 mil per not including his asst.'s..... I don't believe Miami will pay that....
  3. Atom Atlas

    Coaches salaries - Just the beginning

    That's insane if true.... And people think Mario is gonna come here for how much???
  4. Atom Atlas

    Coaches salaries - Just the beginning

    I know... believe me I've been saying non-stop that the market for a HC has gone up considerably and now with what Riley just got it went up more... I really want to be wrong but I don't see how Miami is just all of a sudden be able to compete financially.... I know there's a good amount of...
  5. Atom Atlas

    Coaches salaries - Just the beginning

    If Miami wants to compete they're gonna have to start spending a whole lotta cash..... Fans better hope the "rumor" of a cash influx is true cause if it isn't or just not as much as people think Miami will fall further behind.....