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  1. Dees Brown

    MEGA Everything & Everybody Sucks Megathread for Miserable Mopes & Sorry Slurpers (aka The Basura Bin)

    Aahhh I'm slurper because I believe you should hold players accountable just as much coaches when they **** up. I assume you feel the players have no accountability for their miscues? 5* James Williams misses a dead rights tackle in the back field that would gotten the defense off the field...
  2. Dees Brown

    MEGA Everything & Everybody Sucks Megathread for Miserable Mopes & Sorry Slurpers (aka The Basura Bin)

    What's your point? Still his QB. According to CIS, Saban is to blame.
  3. Dees Brown

    MEGA Everything & Everybody Sucks Megathread for Miserable Mopes & Sorry Slurpers (aka The Basura Bin)

    Oh Man Saban's QB fumble the ball twice. Terrible coach Saban is. That QB needs a real coach.
  4. Dees Brown

    MEGA Everything & Everybody Sucks Megathread for Miserable Mopes & Sorry Slurpers (aka The Basura Bin)

    Nah man. Coaching only. Something about Gattis playcalling not letting players shine. Run Jaylen, a running back, at running back?! What kind asinine playcalling is that? That's why he fumble. A real coordinate would have lined him up at TE to show off his real talent. Mack you don't know...
  5. Dees Brown

    MEGA Everything & Everybody Sucks Megathread for Miserable Mopes & Sorry Slurpers (aka The Basura Bin)

    I did. Bust *** to get through school and college. Proud of my short bus people. I go back to help "short bus people" learn they have agency over their lives.
  6. Dees Brown

    MEGA Everything & Everybody Sucks Megathread for Miserable Mopes & Sorry Slurpers (aka The Basura Bin)

    You right dude. My bad. Players played their asses of. Didn't make any mistakes. This is all on Gattis and his offense. **** was I thinking.
  7. Dees Brown

    MEGA Everything & Everybody Sucks Megathread for Miserable Mopes & Sorry Slurpers (aka The Basura Bin)

    Nope. I don't like Gattis scheme, but I am objective. I call out coaches when they call bad plays. I call out players when they make bad plays. Most this site just call out the coaches. I am just being consistent. This game is more on the players than coaches. That's it's
  8. Dees Brown

    MEGA Everything & Everybody Sucks Megathread for Miserable Mopes & Sorry Slurpers (aka The Basura Bin)

    Bam Ok Name them? the 6 bonehead play calls. Start you with a easy one. The QB Draw. 5 more.
  9. Dees Brown

    MEGA Everything & Everybody Sucks Megathread for Miserable Mopes & Sorry Slurpers (aka The Basura Bin)

    Maybe you have held the players accountable too. But to be honest, I only see you **** on coaches.
  10. Dees Brown

    MEGA Everything & Everybody Sucks Megathread for Miserable Mopes & Sorry Slurpers (aka The Basura Bin)

    Like? Name a call or decision that the coaches made that hurt chances in winning the game? Now, name the plays that players made hurt chances of winning the game?
  11. Dees Brown

    MEGA Everything & Everybody Sucks Megathread for Miserable Mopes & Sorry Slurpers (aka The Basura Bin)

    So player have no responsibility in this lost? Ok give percentage who's at fault? Players v coaches. Because I can't wait bonehead plays by players than coaches in this game.
  12. Dees Brown

    MEGA Everything & Everybody Sucks Megathread for Miserable Mopes & Sorry Slurpers (aka The Basura Bin)

    Nope. But does change the dynamics in their favorite. Momentum has shifted.
  13. Dees Brown

    MEGA Everything & Everybody Sucks Megathread for Miserable Mopes & Sorry Slurpers (aka The Basura Bin)

    Andrew you don't know what you are talking. He playcalling is why rooster fumble, and Mallory drops a wide open pass.
  14. Dees Brown

    MEGA Everything & Everybody Sucks Megathread for Miserable Mopes & Sorry Slurpers (aka The Basura Bin)

    Well when you have TE that can't catch wide open passes. And Rbs that can't hold to the ball. Your offense is going to look like ****.
  15. Dees Brown

    MEGA Everything & Everybody Sucks Megathread for Miserable Mopes & Sorry Slurpers (aka The Basura Bin)

    Nope. This game is squarely on the shouldees of the players.