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  1. F

    Coaching Interesting article regarding Mississippi HS coaches perception of Kiffin

    He did have a significant part when he was there....just like some other coaches did. Go look at how Tua got to Alabama. Quit derailing and talking about when he got hired/fired...that was never part of the original debate. Have a great day
  2. F

    Coaching Interesting article regarding Mississippi HS coaches perception of Kiffin

    Before and after and during his tenure You are basically saying Saban does all the recruiting. Lane, and other coaches, are a part of the success. If you can't comprehend that, I don't know what else to say to you. Have a great day
  3. F

    Coaching Interesting article regarding Mississippi HS coaches perception of Kiffin

    You literally make no sense. Put down your first beer and stop using your parents wifi. Have a great day
  4. F

    Coaching Interesting article regarding Mississippi HS coaches perception of Kiffin

    Hmmm Tennessee and USC are in the playoffs every year? You literally can't make a coherent point. Quit using your parents wifi.
  5. F

    Coaching Interesting article regarding Mississippi HS coaches perception of Kiffin

    He was part of the success me where he wasn't
  6. F

    Coaching Interesting article regarding Mississippi HS coaches perception of Kiffin

    Recruiting is getting the players on campus. Development is getting the most out of the recruits. He was a closer at USC and Bama. He also recruited well at Tennessee
  7. F

    Coaching Interesting article regarding Mississippi HS coaches perception of Kiffin

    I'd disagree on the narrative that Kiffin is not a recruiter. A big part of his success has been his recruiting efforts. With that being said, there's more to being a great coach than just recruiting.