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  1. RedPill Stepdad

    OT: Ole Miss v MSU

    if people were saying that I might have to find some receipts. see who's faking the phunk.
  2. RedPill Stepdad

    OT: Ole Miss v MSU

    guess the fanbase
  3. RedPill Stepdad

    OT: Ole Miss v MSU

    I agree Mario is a better recruiter. I got some pushback on here a few months ago for saying he's the best recruiting HC. I see too many people trying to start a narrative that Lane can't recruit. he can recruit, but not at a Mario level. there's a wider gap between the two when it come to play...
  4. RedPill Stepdad

    OT: Ole Miss v MSU

    this is how false narratives get started. show me the evidence.
  5. RedPill Stepdad

    OT: Ole Miss v MSU

  6. RedPill Stepdad

    OT: Ole Miss v MSU

    that 2019 FIU loss doesn't have an asterisk beside it. neither will this ole miss win.
  7. RedPill Stepdad

    OT: Ole Miss v MSU

    took a timeout LMAO can't tell me dude isn't a perfect fit here
  8. RedPill Stepdad

    OT: Ole Miss v MSU

    "complete lack of sportsmanship" you know what they say. "if you ain't cheating, you ain't trying" & "it's not cheating, it's strategy"
  9. RedPill Stepdad

    OT: Ole Miss v MSU

    it was hilarious when this site went nuts over Mario yelling in a players face and they used that as evidence of him having a disciplined team. come to find out his team is just as penalized as Miami. I wouldn't mind Mario bc I know I'd at least get to watch multiple 1st round guys every...
  10. RedPill Stepdad

    OT: Ole Miss v MSU

    **** the coach who "doesn't care about defense" has held the "offensive genius" to 6 points in the 4th.
  11. RedPill Stepdad

    OT: Ole Miss v MSU

    our fans would have threw a b*tch fit if Lashlee called that play on 3rd down
  12. RedPill Stepdad

    OT: Ole Miss v MSU

    ask Lane when can he start
  13. RedPill Stepdad

    OT: Ole Miss v MSU

    ole miss & arizona state top 5 baddest females.
  14. RedPill Stepdad

    OT: Ole Miss v MSU

    whats so funny? he really said that.
  15. RedPill Stepdad

    OT: Ole Miss v MSU

    German ferman said he was told Lane had an interview with Miami after this game.
  16. RedPill Stepdad

    OT: Ole Miss v MSU

    bro wearing his golds?
  17. RedPill Stepdad

    OT: Ole Miss v MSU

    I just tuned in but the couple plays I've seen looks like 3-2-6