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  1. R

    Here's what I know

    I wouldn't be surprised if that happens (going to UW). But I think Auburn would go a different route. Lashlee still has that smell of Malzahn associated with him (rightly or wrongly) with a lot of Auburn folks.
  2. R

    Here's what I know

    Lol leave Ed O out of this :LOL:
  3. R

    Here's what I know

    You know Lane is salivating thinking of what he can do with those weapons.
  4. R

    Here's what I know

    Yep, both of them have their flaws. I just think Lanes ceiling at UM is higher. Honestly I'm not even putting into the equation that Lane could cause embarrassment to university. Most people already think that canes are trash/scum and regardless of whatever we do that will be their opinion...
  5. R

    Here's what I know

    We have the talent to win the coastal and possibly the ACC championship next year. We already have pieces on the defense with some holes that potentially could be filled via the portal. The problem is going to be our schedule since we go to a&m and Clemson.
  6. R

    Here's what I know

    The problem is even with that talented roster he will still drop games to teams he has no business losing to which sounds very familiar to what we've been experiencing the last 15 years. Now I do think we win the coastal with Mario but I just don't see him getting us over the hump to win that...
  7. R

    Here's what I know

    Oh I've heard many things about his personal life especially living in bama and knowing some boosters in bama, but as long as he's not getting a program on probation then what he does in his free time is his business.
  8. R

    Here's what I know

    You mean without corral and their top two wide receivers....
  9. R

    Here's what I know

    Oh I agree it's a senior laden team but if he does win it you can't take that away from him because it's not like Ole Miss hasn't had senior laden teams before. Heck they had Eli and still didn't win 10 regular season games. I don't blame him for wanting out. You have to strike while the iron...
  10. R

    Here's what I know

    There are very few coaches that actually like working for saban so that's not saying much. He's not the best boss to work for..... But he does get results. No one is surprised that their personalities clashed among other things.
  11. R

    Here's what I know

    Which has never been done at Ole Miss in a regular season.... Ever
  12. R

    Here's what I know

    I wouldn't say perfect. The issues in the past have not been recruiting it's been coaching and developing the talent we have. I think we need more of an X's and O's coach than a recruiter. We've been able to pull some very good classes on paper even when we weren't winning big. If we can...
  13. R

    Here's what I know

    Also, Ole Miss has never won 10 games in a regular season in their history. So if Lane beats MSU he literally would have done something historical in the "mighty" SEC.
  14. R

    Here's what I know

    Mario has a lot more talent on his roster (according to the rankings) which I give him credit for since he is a great recruiter. His teams, however, underperform. Lane gets more out of the talent on his roster. I would be OK with Mario if he brings in the right OC.
  15. R

    Here's what I know

    Lane was also missing his top two wrs against Auburn.