Search results

  1. C

    AD secured

  2. C

    AD secured

    This is what I've been thinking all along. If anything, assuming things go well, it would make them look better and more powerful not the opposite.
  3. C

    AD secured

    I couldn't tell you which program or who runs things like this. But I also don't know exactly what Zo's proposed role will be.
  4. C

    AD secured

    It's not even 8AM on Monday yet.....
  5. C

    AD secured

    I tend to agree with this as well.
  6. C

    AD secured

    I guess we will all see soon whether it truly is TNM or the same old thing.
  7. C

    AD secured

    There was a pretty reasonable post on this board yesterday laying out the fact that many of the big time programs have deputy ADs in charge of one aspect of the department (football, basketball, baseball, etc.). If the new AD is used to operating in a structure like this then I don't see it as...
  8. C

    AD secured

    Sure feels like that's exactly what is happening. And if feelers have already been put out to Mario and he's said he is interested, you would think he would have been informed about the general direction the AD position was going in. I highly doubt he would want to work under a first time AD...
  9. C

    AD secured

    Lots of things not adding up to me for it to actually be Tony. First, why would those in charge put someone with no previous AD experience in charge of a $60M football budget? Second, if the serious football people on the BOT are now in charge, no way this is the guy they decide on as the best...
  10. C

    AD secured

    The whole search firm was a weird twist but this has to be true.
  11. C

    AD secured

    Seems odd but as long as they’ve both agreed that they can make it work, then let’s roll.
  12. C

    AD secured

    Oh god, please make it stop.
  13. C

    AD secured

    I like me some clam every once in a while.
  14. C

    AD secured

    I’ve known Tony since we went to UM together. This would be a pretty underwhelming hire. Sorry Tony if you are reading this.