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  1. Problem2

    AD secured

    Until they prove they're competent with actions, people are gonna be skeptical man. They've earned zero benefit of the doubt.
  2. Problem2

    AD secured

    When Miami makes the same mistake they always do
  3. Problem2

    AD secured

    Whenever you can hire someone from the Kirby Hocutt tree, you gotta do it. Manny Sr is giddy about this
  4. Problem2

    AD secured

    God hates us
  5. Problem2

    AD secured

    I'm sure Rick took a few bathroom breaks along the way. :pgdead:
  6. Problem2

    AD secured

    Then, we all become 15 second men. Pause
  7. Problem2

    AD secured

  8. Problem2

    AD secured

    What is Cannon Smith doing these days?!
  9. Problem2

    AD secured

    Jurich got scapegoated by Lousiville You just know he wants to stick it to them too
  10. Problem2

    AD secured

    Take the opposite of what this guy says
  11. Problem2

    AD secured

    Waiting for my boy Timmy Reynolds to confirm, ya know? :kypowcc:
  12. Problem2

    AD secured

    Me refreshing twitter the rest of the day
  13. Problem2

    AD secured

    Trying steal Cribby's thunder :2h3mpi1: