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  1. C

    Rumor on CS board

    At about 1 to 2 million a piece... That should work out cheap.... if your side business is making Covid vaccines.
  2. C

    Rumor on CS board

    You want tear up turf?? ....nothing does it better than soccer and rugby
  3. C

    Rumor on CS board

    .... there are plenty like him feeding at the hog trough
  4. C

    Rumor on CS board

    ***** building a new stadium.... for what? So that idiot politicians like Manny's pappy can embezzle more money like with the OB/Marlins' stadium fiasco???
  5. C

    Rumor on CS board

    We have fabulous stadium that is just fine for 40K or 70K.... don't put a ****** product on the field and then whine about 30K attendance. This fanbase and town have supported the program for crappy teams it has put out there, coached by the worst lineup of coaches we could find.... Easier...
  6. C

    Rumor on CS board

    Agreed... what stupid idea. We play in one of the finest CFB stadium and these id10ts keeping talking about building some Mickey mouse stadium somewhere.... JRS is awesome, especially with the roof. Now put the right product on the field and crowds will come