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  1. PIPO

    Rumor on CS board

    Agreed. To be clear, I am not advocating for the move. Just saying that what OP wrote is not out of the realm of possibility down the road
  2. PIPO

    Rumor on CS board

    Shuttle buses
  3. PIPO

    Rumor on CS board

    Never say never in Miami, my friend. Greasing of palms is an every day ritual down here. It’s basically down to county commissioner vote. I believe all they need is the majority 3-2 vote. It has already been approved by the voters so they don’t need approval from constituents.
  4. PIPO

    Rumor on CS board

    Soccer stadium is not planned for Coral Gables. It’s planned for where the current Golf Course is next to MIA Airport
  5. PIPO

    Rumor on CS board

    I don’t doubt that at all
  6. PIPO

    Rumor on CS board

    I live in Miami and it’s absolutely terrible but yet they just keep packing them in here. Everything is a mission here. I can’t wait to move out
  7. PIPO

    Rumor on CS board

    It’s Miami! This city/county - if it’s not the slimiest in the country, it’s certainly top 3. Dirty Politics will always play down here. If they drove down before to the OB with a better parking situation at new location, they will drive down. For UM, being closer to campus (what - that...
  8. PIPO

    Rumor on CS board

    Forget the early signing period. Forget this class in general
  9. PIPO

    Rumor on CS board

    I think you are correct on a lot of the football things as many of the things you mentioned have been confirmed by Cribby, NYCane, SouthParkcane and some others. Now to the stadium: It’s easy for many here to laugh it up and completely dismiss it. I won’t. Not sure when the lease expires but...
  10. PIPO

    Rumor on CS board

    Agreed! And Manny’s buyout drops at the earliest, Dec 2nd if no bowl game. If bowl game, the moment the clock strikes 0:00