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  1. Handsome Squidbum

    Rumor on CS board

    I think he was referring to the proposed stadium at the airport.
  2. Handsome Squidbum

    Rumor on CS board

    Yes, I think some of the younglings don't quite appreciate how corrupt S Fl politics are. If you want to predict whether or not it could happen, then just ask yourself, "Would this allow for taxpayer money to be funneled to politically connected rich people who will then donate millions back to...
  3. Handsome Squidbum

    Rumor on CS board

    Obvious that it couldn't be in the Gables given the cost of land and the zoning. Lots of people think the OB used to be on campus or even walking distance from UM (I don't recall the fans and media ever saying UM needed a stadium closer to campus, but maybe I'm forgetting). It was actually 7...
  4. Handsome Squidbum

    Rumor on CS board

    Good idea doesn't usually factor in when it comes to billion dollar taxpayer funded projects. That's the way the political world works. Now multiply that grift by 20 given the way S Fl is run like a banana republic. Frenk makes the deal, the Mas bros get hundreds of millions from taxpayers...
  5. Handsome Squidbum

    Rumor on CS board

    If the was even the slightest hint of truth in the rumor, it would have to be based on the idea that the stadium would involve the two favorite words of billionaires: "taxpayer funded. " The city actually offered to pony up 200 million to help UM renovate the OB, but Shalala said no because "it...
  6. Handsome Squidbum

    Rumor on CS board

    FWIW, when the Beckham soccer stadium stuff came up a few years back, the plan was that for the big games like FSU and Notre Dame, UM would still play at Hard Rock. The rest of the season UM would play in the jointly owned football/soccer stadium.
  7. Handsome Squidbum

    Rumor on CS board

    Although it's a pipe dream, it was discussed 6 years ago. If UM didn't negotiate a buyout, they would still be on the hook for about 40 million. Hypothetically, lets say...
  8. Handsome Squidbum

    Rumor on CS board

    I already believe in two things that will probably never happen (Diaz and James getting fired), what's one more? Stadium deal it is.