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    2019 CB Marcus Banks hits portal

    Who's "our?"
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    2019 CB Marcus Banks hits portal

    Worried about what? That there won't be any viable OCs left in the world? Mario is notoriously picky and deliberate when choosing assistants, particularly coordinators. He'll get the right guy.
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    2019 CB Marcus Banks hits portal

    Oh man is the Post Traumatic Manny Disorder coming out. Seek help. Missing on this one dude doesn't mean we're done bringing in corners. It probably would have last year. Once again, Manny Diaz is no longer the coach. It's true. He's even listed on Penn State's website.
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    2019 CB Marcus Banks hits portal

    I have never seen that
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    2019 CB Marcus Banks hits portal

    I said can, not that it always does. Like most medical conditions your mileage may vary. In Blades's case he got shut down over a hernia.
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    2019 CB Marcus Banks hits portal

    Not true. It can resolve in week or 2. Blades had hernia surgery I believe.