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  1. Fluffhead

    Canes vs GT

    There are plenty of other basic things this team routinely fails or forgets to do. It must be a terrible coincidence that every week and so many players have these issues.
  2. Fluffhead

    Canes vs GT

    And the fumbles and god knows what else. It’s a team with terrible fundamentals and discipline across the board, so I’m confused why you are giving the coaches a pass. Yes the players need to do better, but these aren’t isolated issues. So at some point it’s on the coaches - one of teaching...
  3. Fluffhead

    Canes vs GT

    Analytics bro.
  4. Fluffhead

    Canes vs GT

    Won’t agree with what? This is a poorly coached team. If you can’t see that, then you either know your *** from a hole in the ground or have early onset dementia if you knew as much as you think you did.
  5. Fluffhead

    Canes vs GT

    It depends. Are they fumbling because they aren’t tackling in practice? While ball security is something the should learn from a young age, it’s not like this team is particularly strong in fundamentals. They play lazy a lot and that’s not great for ball security. Clearly GT saw something on...
  6. Fluffhead

    Canes vs GT

    Analytics bro.
  7. Fluffhead

    Canes vs GT

    Cool. Don’t believe your story or that you know what you’re looking at. In any case, keep defending Manny and enjoy dogfights against teams like GT, App State, Virginia.
  8. Fluffhead

    Canes vs GT

    Not necessarily.
  9. Fluffhead

    Canes vs GT

    It is if you haven’t recruited over him and that guy has been doing exactly that, consistently, over multiple seasons.