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  1. rok

    Joe Echevarria

    Does this qualify as outside eyes though? Rudy is Frenk's right hand and Echevarria runs the ponzi scheme known as UHealth. I don't trust them to perform anything more than perfunctory sweeps of daily operations while seeing how they can swindle everyone so that more funds are allocated to...
  2. rok

    Joe Echevarria

    This is what people keep telling me about Stephen Ross. The only thing he's done successfully is make me hate everything about the team he owns.
  3. rok

    Joe Echevarria

    Am I on LinkedIn right now? Get me a real man/football guy like Zo Highsmith to come in and start flipping desks over, not these weasels. Just my opinion.
  4. rok

    Joe Echevarria

    Impressive resume but what does he know about athletics? Ditto for Rudy.