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  1. SFbayCane

    Joe Echevarria

    Wow, lots of angry rantings in this post. Nice personal attacks too. Way to show your A$$.
  2. SFbayCane

    Joe Echevarria

    See post #18 for some background.
  3. SFbayCane

    Joe Echevarria

    Nice cop out, chief-ette. More than one of us have noted it in this thread already. These are NOT outside eyes. Joe Echevarria has overseen several organization-wide reviews of UM operations (via Deloitte's auditing arm) and always found that everything was peachy keen. I expect...
  4. SFbayCane

    Joe Echevarria

    The on-field failures likely did not facilitate this review. The fact that snake james left money on the table because he didnt understand his own deal with Addidas likely did. I would not look for anything football related to happen here. I would expect snake james to be canned and another...
  5. SFbayCane

    Joe Echevarria

    Im not a UM alum so I dont pay too much attention to the inner-workings at UM. Im a "market fan" and not a "campus fan" as I like to differentiate it. That said, correct me if Im wrong but isnt this the guy who was in charge of hiring his own firm (Deloitte and Touche) to do a sweeping...