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  1. Zombie-Cane

    Henry Ruggs

    I never like to give up on people, but you sir, could honestly be hopeless.
  2. Zombie-Cane

    Henry Ruggs

    I see you lack basic reading and comprehension skills. Please go back and read the tweet. I did not tweet it. I asked why he worded it the way he did........seriously man, be better than this.
  3. Zombie-Cane

    Henry Ruggs

    Congratulations on bringing race into something that had absolutely nothing to do with race at all. Everyone here is now dumber for reading your babbling nonsensical garble. The man drove 2x the legal limit, at nearly 4x the speed limit, and killed someone with his actions. Race has ZERO to...
  4. Zombie-Cane

    Henry Ruggs

    No, and again I will ask, what does being black have to do with being drunk and driving 156MPH and killing someone?
  5. Zombie-Cane

    Henry Ruggs

    What exactly does being a black man have anything at all to do with the situation?