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  1. Poptimus

    Henry Ruggs

    That is true but most cars are built to withstand front-end crashes than rear-end or from the side. That’s the main reason why.
  2. Poptimus

    Henry Ruggs

    He won’t plead guilty. His lawyers will allege a car malfunction or even that Tina Tintor was somehow in the wrong by swerving or switching lanes. It will be despicable, but that’s what will happen. He will also be sued in civil court for millions. He will be broke or close to it even if he...
  3. Poptimus

    Henry Ruggs

    The thing is, I am surprised it took this long. He was out and about for like 5 years in public and so I genuinely was surprised to hear he was killed. I doubt they ever catch who did it because the police won’t care.
  4. Poptimus

    Henry Ruggs

    Nevada statute requires a 2-20 year sentence if convicted. I don’t see how it could get plead down to a lesser charge so I think Ruggs likely gets something like 5 years. Remember that rich guy John Goodman from West Palm? He killed someone in a car accident and got 16 years. So nothing...
  5. Poptimus

    Henry Ruggs

    Do you think it was someone young trying to earn stripes, or a vendetta for 30+ year old stuff who killed him? If I had to guess, this was a young dude.