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  1. C

    Henry Ruggs

    Those only work if you aren't going above a certain speed. My car has them, it will only be able to completely stop the car if you are going less than 35. If you are going 90, it ain't doing a **** thing.
  2. C

    Henry Ruggs

    That Corvette has front end sensors, he was probably going too fast for it to do any good.
  3. C

    Henry Ruggs

    Such a lazy take. Here's an idea, don't tolerate crap from people. I don't blame people for not forgiving entitled jackasses that harm others. We've allowed sociopathic behavior to become acceptable, because everyone wants to forgive. No. Some things are unforgivable. This is one of them. This...
  4. C

    Henry Ruggs

    I haven't. A lot of us haven't been legally impaired driving. If you like to get tanked and drive, that's on you. You have to pound drinks to hit that mark, odds this wasn't a guy out at dinner having a glass of wine and then getting behind the wheel. 3AM, odds are he had been going for a...
  5. C

    Henry Ruggs

    You wouldn't be sympathetic if this douchebag didn't play ball. I'm sorry, but some of us managed to not do stupid crap like this so we don't have sympathy for the people that despite being worth millions couldn't be bothered to Uber. Someone is dead because of this guy, I won't shed a tear if...
  6. C

    Henry Ruggs

    **** that guy. His career should be over. In a world where there's Lyft, Uber and **** near everything else, you shouldn't be driving drunk. He killed someone. Full stop.