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    Transfer Portal watch

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    Transfer Portal watch

    Need the dmoney “keep and eye on this one from dmoney” here
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    Transfer Portal watch

    1000 yard portal receiver armstong CB to Arkansas. We better start seriously taking some of these guys to avoid a last year esque result
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    Transfer Portal watch

    probably mcgee committing
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    Transfer Portal watch

    Jacorey Brooks easy
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    Transfer Portal watch

    judkins 🤔
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    Transfer Portal watch

    My thing is shouldnt we wait a little before to see if any bigger proven p5 guys hop. I also don’t want it to be like last year we’re we don’t take these cats because we are waiting for bigger options to hop in and they never do. Don’t wanna be left with nothing again
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    Transfer Portal watch

    As of right now we need WR and surprisingly no big time guys at WR have hit the portal. Yet.....
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    Transfer Portal watch

    247 is wrong alot
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    Transfer Portal watch

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    Transfer Portal watch

    wait there locked in already or they are heavily pursued